Our Eighth Light Signature Cleanse uses Raw Cane Juice, Organic Cayenne and Lime. Reset your system lovingly and less aggressively than a traditional MasterCleanse. You still reap the benefits + can participate in all the Eighth Light Yoga antics. Deep in the heals. Open dates for 2025. Email us to plan your journey.
Single Bungalow / 1 person: $1600 USD
Double Bungalow / 2 persons $2400 USD
Triple Bungalow / 3 persons $3200 USD
Included: 7 days / 6 nights accommodation, Airport Transfer, Daily Morning Vinyasa Yoga, Daily Evening Restorative or Yin Yoga, Daily Meditation, Daily 8-16oz Signature Cleanse Drinks, Daily Evening Signature Detox Soup. Unlimited tea and salt flush.
Astrology Workshop - Svādhyāya - Learn to read your own birth chart. An all levels astrology
class from beginners to advanced astrologers, learn the astrology of your personality and life path.
Discover Your Dosha -Ayurveda Workshop - Learn your doshas and best practices for you from an
Ayurvedic perspective.
Because sometimes you want to be EXTRA.
Make Your Own Mala
Tailored to your needs using semi precious beads such as amethyst and blue lace agate.
$150 USD
Personal Astrology Reading
Dive deeply into your self and learn how to work with your natal chart and transits to optimize your
$55 USD